Ian McKellen Official Home Page

Notes about using this website

The design of this website includes a number of features to make it easier and more enjoyable. For instance:

  1. Clicking on "Ian McKellen" at the top of most pages will return you to the home page or the index page for each section. To return to the home page at any time, click the box at the bottom of each page that says "Sir Ian McKellen Official Home Page". 
  2. In the "Stage" section, click on the "Credits" button for a full list of the players in each production.

As you can tell, this ambitious website, which opened on 1 September 1997, is still in progress of being assembled. There are regular updates of all the items. The site is designed and run from Los Angeles by Keith Stern.

Thanks to Don Barnett for some cool background tiles, and WebShop for some excellent buttons.
Thanks to Elaine and Violet for invaluable source materials.